We do however ask that you don't take on a 'brand ambassador' (or similar) programme with anyone else who sells rubs.
We are both free to talk away from this at any time.
Yes! We've co-designed an exclusive Smoke and Flame Ambassador t-shirt with the brand that's Fit For The Pit: Tribe Apparel.
We'll put you in touch with the Tribe Team and once they've taken your size, they'll send your t-shirt to your door.
Yeah - we'll cover postage and the prize (4 skewers and 3 rubs). We'd like to boost your following and ours too.
It depends on how organised we are but we'd like to send you our entire range (20+) over the year with a drop every two months.
We're also aiming to launch around 1 rub per month over the next year so we'd like to send you samples of that.
There's no such thing as a free lunch!
Ideally you'd cook and post about every rub we send you - however, sometimes life takes over and sometimes you might not like the blend we send. Therefore, we'd like you to produce content for around three quarters of the blends we send out, if you can.
Sometimes we will ask you to prioritise a particular rub immediately before we launch. You'll get a few weeks notice and we'll ask you to delay posting about it until we're ready to launch.
When we send out a trial blend it's up to you if you post. We think it's kind of cool being part of something others can't do.
We're a BBQ brand but we're happy if you post cooks from the grill or from the kitchen.
We prefer Reels over posts and would appreciate it if we can be made collaborators on your reels so we can amplify your cooks.
Two things:
We'd like you to offer a timely and honest opinion on any trial rubs we send.
If you can jump onto our posts and others members of the Smoke and Flame team's posts, that will greatly help amplify us on Insta. We're chill about this bit though.
No. Contracts are for people who can't get along.
We're both free to walk away at any time.
If you receive stuff from us and can't cook for a while just let us know. BBQ is a hobby not a job (for most of us!) so we're not going to get pissy,
That's totally up to you. We'd be proud to have you affiliated with us.
That's cool. We'd still like to work with you but it will be a bit more low key.
We don't do spam.
We just send you special offers, useful articles and guides.