Smoke And Flame

Simon and Garfunkel
Simon and Garfunkel
Simon and Garfunkel

Simon and Garfunkel

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Size 60g Designer Tin
  • 60g Designer Tin
  • 60g refill pouch

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Quick Summary

Get it before the lawyers tell us to change the name!

Such sweet harmonies! Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel harmonised, as they did, on Scarborough Fair and sang of a blend of herbs including Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme.

Full cooking instructions (for the BBQ or for the kitchen) for Smoke and Flame’s Simon and Garfunkel Rub can be found here.

Now, we're blessed with more diverse ingredients than folks did in the 60s, so we've Smoke and Flame'd it up a bit! We've added a further 5 ingredients to the original list, having tested beautifully smoked chicken thighs (with skin!) on far too many occasions.  We're sure you'll think this blend hits the right notes, too!

Try it with a Smokey Vegetable Hash, Parmentier Potatoes or many of the other side dishes in our Free “Easy BBQ Side Dishes” e-book.

This herb rub is sublime when used on roasted potatoes, where it creates a crust that is rich with the oils and fragrances of the herbs. As a dry rub, it is also ideal for a variety of poultry, coating the skin with a medley of flavours that permeate the meat during cooking.

Net Weight:  60g (enough for dozens of thighs but the herbs are light in weight).

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