Which wood smoke should I use on my BBQ?
So you know that choosing the right spice blends and dry rubs can make or break a meal. But what about the smoke flavours? That's important too - smoke is a critical flavour (as you know!) but not all woods smoke the same!
So we've crowdsourced the opinions of the top BBQ experts out there and distilled the evidence into one simple guide.
We'll tell you what they say and it'll take you less than 5 minutes to gain the knowledge. Read on....

Get this wrong and there's a risk that the wood will drown out the other flavours.
Less is more, in our opinion and - generally speaking - the experts whose views we've collated.
We searched the advice from the top grillsmiths, the competition winners and, yes, the most popular influencers and carefully recorded what each were saying.
There was some variation in viewpoint (as there should be with BBQ - no one way is THE way!) but the following summarises the consensus view of the Gods.
Don't like it? Got a different idea? Tell us below!
So, that's what the big guns think. But what about you? We'd love to hear your views below:
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